Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Blue Monday!!!

So.... ITS A BOY!!! Every emotion imaginable runs through your mind as soon as the words are said, whether it was a boy or girl!! As a father to be, I have struggled with that connection to my baby growing inside my wife, but now, HE has a name and that is EXCITING yet scary at the same time. I am officially responsible for the raising of a child, a responsibility that is taken lightly by some these days, not me!!

Name: Jonathan David

Jonathan - Named after my brother, He is my older brother and my oldest friend. Always looking out for me and always there for me, just ask my mom, I didn't learn to walk until she made him stop getting everything for me or carrying me everywhere. Besides for my wonderful parents, and beautiful wife the one person that shaped me into the man I am today.

David - Named after my father, He is the most important man in my life, until July 3rd when JD comes. I am blessed to have such a wonderful man to have as an example to look towards as being a father and a husband. I hope to one day to be able to live up to be the father to Jon David as he was for Scott and I.

I couldn't talk about all this and not mention the one person that makes me the man I am today!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!! Truly more then words can say, your influence on me as a boy, teenager, and a man will continue to guide me down the right path in life!

I am TRULY blessed to have such a great family, and I am looking so forward to introduce Jonathan David to his wonderful family, including Riley, his cousin to be born at the end of this month!!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Boys are wonderful...I initially thought Parker would only love me, but he sure does call for Braxton more than me! I wish you two many blessings over the next couple of months and many more when Jonathan David arrives!
